
We limit our bankruptcy practice to focus exclusively on creditor’s rights. We do not represent debtors in bankruptcy court, but would be glad to refer you to other qualified attorney’s in the North Georgia area.

In the context of bankruptcy court, creditors are required to timely file their claims or else they are subject to having their debts forfeited. We are able to help creditors with filing traditional claims, but also with more complex issues concerning Domestic Support Obligations and non-dischargeable debts. Depending on the facts, some debts are not subject to discharge. However, it is incumbent upon the creditor to have experienced legal counsel to properly prosecute that claim to ensure it will not be forfeited due to inaction or not filing the correct paperwork.

If someone that owes you money files bankruptcy, it is imperative that you promptly contact experienced legal counsel to explore your options. Failure to timely inquire about the debtor’s finances and seek other information as part of the bankruptcy case may jeopardize the viability of your claim.

If would like to discuss your options, please call (706) 543-4708 for Durden & Mills, P.C. today. We look forward to helping you solve your legal problems.


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